Joplin Hornet Spook Light

This is another installment of LEGENDS of PARANORMAL. I will research the myth and/or legend and show images and videos. Please do not hesitate to comment below on something you would like featured. The Spooklight, also called the Hornet Spooklight, Hollis Light and Joplin Spook Light, is a mysterious visual phenomenon allegedly experienced by witnesses… Continue Reading

Some Fun Scare Tactics

Here is a fun way to scare the crap out of people. Published on Oct 15, 2013 Ever had a nightmare painting job? We hired real painters to prove Benjamin Moore Ultra Spec® 500 paint goes on quick…when you need it most. Visit Continue Reading

Filed Under: New

Lake That Turns Animals to Stone?

Lake That Turns Animals to Stone? Not Quite. “Lake Natron in Tanzania is one of the most serene lakes in Africa, but it’s also the source of some of the most phantasmagorical photographs ever captured — images that look as though living animals had instantly turned to stone.” Get Full Article: LAKE TURNS ANIMAL TO… Continue Reading

UFO Caught on Security Camera

This is an interesting clip. Of course it could of been CGI rendered, but let’s take that out of the equation for now. This is a broadcast or a professional video. I apologize it is in another language but it does have some English subtitles. As always watch, vote and comment! Cámaras de vigilancia captan… Continue Reading

“Weeping Woman” in Venezuela

This is going to be my first installment of LEGENDS of PARANORMAL. I will research the myth and/or legend and show images and videos. Please do not hesitate to comment below on something you would like featured. The Weeping Woman (La Llorona) OVERVIEW Some people talk of the legend of La Llorona. They say they… Continue Reading