Article | Midnight Hollow

Category Archives: Article

So Where Have We Been?

So Where Have We Been?

Straight out of a X-Files episode it seems Covid hit us. Not only on a personal level, but on a professional level as well. The Midnight Hollow team all worked together at a company, and when we were sent home to work, things changed. The studio we used for podcasts was closed, “getting together” was not really an option, especially early on.

Over the past 5 years or so I have tried to keep this going. TBH, I forgot about it from time to time.

But, we did manage to eek out another podcast, located here.

Afterwards it was hard to find a time to get together, and we have all but went our separate ways.

In the coming months, with Halloween lurking I am going to try and make an effort to keep it going. The Google Analytics (switched how it did its thing and man they make things so damn confusing) tells me this is still an active site, so why not.

If you have something to contribute, please feel free to contact us with the link, information or your own personal story.

Thank you for the patience and I hope for you to see some articles flowing through soon.

Like an X-Files EP

Like an X-Files EP

I just wanted to write a quick article acknowledging the lack of updates and posts this site has recently. The world right now is like a never ending X-Files EP. The difference, Fox and Scully are not here to help figure it out. Covid has done so many things to change the landscape of our… Continue Reading

Compilation of Ghost sightings

Compilation of Ghost sightings

The lack of updates on the site is fairly unacceptable. So I found this as I fell down the Youtube rabbit hole. It is nothing specific but it is fun, interesting and entertaining none the less. Just some possible ghost sightings, the caught on camera thing. Possible poltergeist, etc… Usually I like to zero in… Continue Reading

Lake That Turns Animals to Stone?

Lake That Turns Animals to Stone? Not Quite. “Lake Natron in Tanzania is one of the most serene lakes in Africa, but it’s also the source of some of the most phantasmagorical photographs ever captured — images that look as though living animals had instantly turned to stone.” Get Full Article: LAKE TURNS ANIMAL TO… Continue Reading

Baltic Sea Sunken UFO

As Live Science reports: The expert analysis suggests this is just a glacial deposit that the Ocean X Team “discovered” in a low-resolution sonar scan. Nothing more than rock. Looks to be a hoax… and mind you not even an elaborate one at that. MSNBC reports: “In this case, the team clearly has a lot… Continue Reading

Massive Black Hole

It appears that a giant gas cloud is going to be “eaten” by a large black hole. I am sure there is a silly joke in there somewhere. The normally quiet neighborhood around the massive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy is being invaded by a gas cloud that is destined… Continue Reading

Half Mile Wide Asteroid

Reports indicate this is going to pass somewhat close to the earth. Here is a snippet from the article: An asteroid bigger than an aircraft carrier will dart between the Earth and moon on Tuesday — the closest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years. So lets hope the scientist’s 100% guarentee “It… Continue Reading

Devil In The Painting

I thought this was pretty interesting. I wonder if there is a hidden meaning behind this, rather than just a goof. Snippet from article: Art restorers have discovered the figure of a devil hidden in the clouds of one of the most famous frescos by Giotto in the Basilica of St Francis in Assisi, church… Continue Reading

Hawaii Astronomer Captures Image of Forming Planet

 HONOLULU (AP) — Astronomers have captured the first direct image of a planet being born. Adam Kraus, of the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy, said the planet is being formed out of dust and gas circling a 2-milion-year-old star about 450 light years from Earth… The entire article on YAHOO.COM Interesting read here.  Worth… Continue Reading

Midnight Hollow