Creatures | Midnight Hollow

Category Archives: Creatures

Loveland Frog, Skinwalker Ranch & Big Foot Porn

Loveland Frog, Skinwalker Ranch & Big Foot Porn

Our First Ever Pod-Stream. Whatever that is. Yeah I made it up. With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki, and Anna.

Synopsis: Nikki explains to us what the Loveland Frog is. Jay talks about the History / Hulu TV series Skinwalker Ranch and we all talk about Bigfoot Smut. Why? Because it exists.

Please note, Jay Zippo is the Tim the Toolman Taylor with some of his facts. ADHD can be a b*tch sometimes.

#paranormal #loveland #strange #paranormalpodcast #podcast #haunted #murders #weird #paranormalstories #unsolvedmysteries

Is This Bigfoot Screaming?

Is This Bigfoot Screaming?

Gino Meekis has a recording of a terrifying howling sounds coming from some rural Canadian woods. No one seems to know what this is and even wildlife experts who have attempted to identify the creature making the sound, has no idea what this is. While hunting, Meekis, his wife and young grandson, started to hear… Continue Reading

China’s Loch Ness Monster

China’s Loch Ness Monster

China’s ‘Loch Ness monster’ swimming in Asia’s longest river, Yangtze. Is this a monster similar to the Loch Ness? Or is this just a tube of garbage flowing down the stream. This also screams of fake. having people drag something along the river? Take a look and let us know what you think. Huge eel,… Continue Reading

Bigfoot Shoot Out

Bigfoot Shoot Out

Brad Ginn and his girlfriend were camping nearby and were awakened about 1 a.m. by a man with his son. The man said they were going to investigate strange noises he kept hearing. Ginn said he heard a gunshot minutes later and the man returned to say Bigfoot had emerged from the woods, so he… Continue Reading

Two Loch Ness Monsters?

Two Loch Ness Monsters?

AANNNNDDDDDD here we are. Another Loch Ness video, another camera that is decades old and low resolution. Why would I be surprised at this. The odd thing is… he is a “Nessie Hunter” and wouldnt you think he would have better equipment? Naw. Just grab a 8mm walmart brand camcorder and see where it takes… Continue Reading

Unexplained Creature Found In Florida

Unexplained Creature Found In Florida

On a property in Titusville, FL. they found a weird shriveled carcass that can’t be easily explained. This all came about when Kelly Garrahan snapped a photograph of an unidentified carcass. Social media took off with lots of speculation. It ranged from Chupacobra to blood sucking demon dogs. More sensible suggestions meanwhile have included an… Continue Reading

This Is Called A “Worm Monster”

This Is Called A “Worm Monster”

While clicking on something that is labeled ‘worm-monster’ I was at first relieved that it had nothing to do with porn. My relief was quickly squelched when the video shows a squirming wormy gross mass with parts writhing in every direction. This wonderful footage was shot outside an apartment in Houston, Texas. Internet “experts” think… Continue Reading

Divers Encounter Strange Deep-Sea Worm

Divers Encounter Strange Deep-Sea Worm

These two divers found themselves dwarfed by a deep-sea worm measuring more than eight meters long and made up of hundreds of thousands of organisms. The worm can be seen moving delicately through the water, occasionally shuddering and pulsating whilst the divers swim gently around it so not to disturb it. I does look like… Continue Reading

Midnight Hollow