Category Archives: Ghost

The Smith Building Ghost

The Smith Building Ghost

The famous “Smith Building Ghost”. This was not filmed by me or anyone affiliated with Midnight Hollow.  A guy named Mike and his friends investigate the apparently abandoned Smith Building after hearing that it is haunted by the spirit of a female. The whereabouts of Mike and co. are currently unknown. Nobody seems to know… Continue Reading

Ghost Girl From Cemetary

Ghost Girl From Cemetary

I am sure this is fake, but it is pretty fun. The legend states that in the graveyard around midnight a little girl appears and starts to cry. This guys goes into the cemetery and tries to film her. I am sure this is just a little girl, but again it is pretty fun. It’s… Continue Reading

Girl walks through wall

Girl walks through wall

Here is what seems to be a fully visible woman walking around, as is many other people are in the video. Someone catches the fact she just walked through a wall!  I can see how people can say this is fake, but open your mind to the possibilities! Thanks to our Lead Video Researcher Debby… Continue Reading

Funeral Home Tissue

Funeral Home Tissue

So this is an odd video. I want to say, it is authentic but something is telling me it is set up. Hard to say, but it is highly entertaining. Funny part is the video camera user goes “Smells like… an old person home.” So he is saying old people smell like death and a… Continue Reading

Gas Station’s Blue Ghost

Gas Station’s Blue Ghost

I remember watching this in years past on TV, so I decided to look it up and post it. I want to know what you think of this whole thing.  I remember people trying to debunk it saying it was a weird reflection off a spider or a bug?  I don’t think so… It could… Continue Reading

Thermal man in locker

Thermal man in locker

This is a pretty good video by TAPS and SyFy Ghost Hunters. Very hard to debunk that is for sure.  I wondered what the “?” sign is on the thermal, come to find out it is a #2 on the locker.  They couldn’t explain why it was glowing red/yellow/etc. The apparition posing for them in… Continue Reading