General Unexplained | Midnight Hollow

Category Archives: General Unexplained

Mysterious Radio Signals From Space

Mysterious Radio Signals From Space

Deep in the heart of Canada there is a telescope, and it evidently picked up weird radio signals from… space. The 13 fast radio burst known as FRBs, are emanating from a distant galaxy. By distant I mean, I don’t know, 1.5 BILLION light years away!

This event occurred before, somewhat similar by a different telescope.

In British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley, The CHIME observatory consists of four 100-metre-long, semi-cylindrical antennas, which scan the entire northern sky each day. With only 1 year under its belt, it detected 13 of the radio bursts almost immediately, including the repeater.

A full article on the BBC is here:

Eye of God

Eye of God

“The Eye of God” You may think this is a good band name, or a new Eye care specialist office. But no, in Mongolia, this is a thing. Apparently, this is symbolic to many in Northern China and it frightened quite a few people. I am guessing it is much more spectacular in real life… Continue Reading

City in the Sky

City in the Sky

I think there is a Journey song in there somewhere. A local resident filmed this and it appears to show a huge city floating in the clouds. The apparition of a city which was witnessed by hundreds of shocked local residents only lasted a few minutes before completely disappearing. Continue Reading

The Earths Bumhole?

The Earths Bumhole?

The video is pretty fun from one of my favorite Youtube channels. Jessica Chobot is great. But the theory is that this is suppressed gas that has a chance to escape due to climate change and the warming of the earth. Essentially a big… huge… fart. It is very interesting and would love for someone… Continue Reading

Midnight Hollow