Archives: Episode - Midnight Hollow


Jack the Ripper, The Growl & Wet Toes

Jack the Ripper, The Growl & Wet Toes

Episode 7 of Season 2

With your hosts Jay Zippo (Jay Stroker), Nikki Notaro (Wysteria), and Jon B (Bam Bam).


Who was Jack the Ripper? A skillful murderer with cat like graces? A meat factory worker with an impulse to kill? Maybe a JILL the Ripper? We explore many names, options and scenarios of this infamous villain including Charles Leshmere, Aaron Kosminski and H.H. Holmes.

Jack the Ripper

Learn more about jack:
A great video on Charles Lechmere and why he could be Jack

Compiled by our co-caster Lisa!

Cross EP mentions

Brother bites brothers dick off

Lisa’s cute name for Dracula’s author.

The rapid fire questions…

1. If you were going to be a famous criminal, what would your crime be?

2. What would be your nickname for those crimes?


Dr.Phil WTF man!

Mysterious Man Made Cave


Man wakes up to find burglar sucking his toes (of course Florida)

The Ouija Board Demon & Dangerous Hardware

The Ouija Board Demon & Dangerous Hardware

Episode 6 of Season 2 With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro, and Jon B. Synopsis We talk about the Demon Zozo that was made famous by the Ouija board but we find out he has been around much longer than we thought. A few questions and articles and a wonderful story about usage of… Continue Reading

Midnight Holloween Podcast!

Midnight Holloween Podcast!

Episode 5 of Season 2 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro, Jon B and Lisa B. Synopsis The mini title for this episode is “CHUNKS”, and you will hear why. For our Halloween episode we have a wide variety of stories ranging from haunted mansions, local lores and legends and an unsolved… Continue Reading

Hoia-Baciu Forest & Florida Man Challenge

Hoia-Baciu Forest & Florida Man Challenge

Episode 4 of Season 2 Hoia-Baciu Forest With your hosts Jay Zippo & Jonny B. Synopsis Some call this eerie forest of crooked trees the “Bermuda Triangle of Romania.” Johnny and Zippo talk about all the weird occurances that has happened ranging from strange orbs to hallucinations and UFO sightings. Links for the Forest Top… Continue Reading

Dude, Ash Cookies & Dickless Regret

Dude, Ash Cookies & Dickless Regret

Episode 3 of Season 2 Let’s Catch Up On Articles With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro, Lisa B & Jonny B. Synopsis Florida girl ganks a car to see boyfriend, Student feeds cookies to friends with her grandfathers remains baked in, Locksmith Street’s amazing faces, man gets arrested for clothes detergent, what the hell… Continue Reading

Legends of Ireland & Funky Waffle House Encounters

Legends of Ireland & Funky Waffle House Encounters

Episode 2 of Season 2 Legends of Ireland With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro, Lisa B & Jonny B. Synopsis Dating back centuries Ireland has been known for its supernatural and superstitious beliefs. We dive into a few of them in this episode, including the Alp-Luachra, Nuckelavee, the Banshee and a haunted location called… Continue Reading

Season 2 Premiere! Lilith, Bam Stroker & Spectrophilia

Season 2 Premiere! Lilith, Bam Stroker & Spectrophilia

Episode 1 of Season 2 Welcome to JONNY B! Our newest sacrifice! History of Vampires, Favorite Media With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro, Lisa B & Jonny B. Synopsis The four dive into the history of Vampires, where they originated from in terms of legend and the real world. Was Lilith the first Vampire… Continue Reading

Halloween Episode 2018!

Halloween Episode 2018!

Episode 11 of Season 1 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro and Lisa B (L Dubbs). Synopsis For our Halloween episode we get personal. What creepy things have happened to Jay, Nikki or Lisa? The Haunted Barn Jay recounts a tale of mysterious voices, lights and a hand on a tent in… Continue Reading

El Chupacabra, Mispronunciation and Graham Crackers

El Chupacabra, Mispronunciation and Graham Crackers

Episode 10 of Season 1 Part Three of the Cryptozoologist EP’s With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro and Lisa B (L Dubbs). Synopsis This episode talks about El Chupacabra and its history. What does it look like and how it has changed over the 30 years it has been “known.” You can hear Jay… Continue Reading

Bigfoot, Sexy Squatch & Horny Hip Hop Ghosts

Bigfoot, Sexy Squatch & Horny Hip Hop Ghosts

Episode 9 of Season 1 Part two of three of the Cryptozoologist EP’s With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro, Hazelnut. Synopsis In this episode, the trio talks about Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Yeti and the Skunk Ape. What evidence is there that these creatures exist? Does bigfeet mean… well big shoes? How does Sasquatch fit… Continue Reading

Midnight Hollow